If you chose this topic, I'd like you to examine the ways that digital ciaatizenship, responsibility, and safety could be taught most effectively to minority groups or children under the age of 13 or between the ages of 12 and 15.
We often use phrases like "the digital world" or "the digital marketplace", but one thing we tend to overlook is that the world, and marketplaces, as known as dangerous places for unsupervised children. How should we train children to be part of this world safely and responsibly? And when should we start to teach them about time management, and cyberbullying, and sexting, and pornography?
Start with the following resources.
- Kid, You Posted What?
- Digital Footprints
- 6 Principles of Digital Education to Teach in Elementary Schools
- 4 Best Digital Citizenship Lesson Plans for Middle School
- The Digital Compass Game
- NetzSmartz
- Check, Please! Starter Course
- Plagiarism Tutorials and Test
- The ISTE Student Standards
Then, show us a Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series (See the instructions here.) that shows us the most important concepts that we should know, as digital pedogogues.
After your Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series, give us some thought-provoking questions (especially, think of how you could apply this in your cultural context).
Finally, monitor the discussion by replying quickly and challenging us to learn more!