Honestly, when I first heard my colleagues talking about AR and VR in 2017, I had to search for the phrases on the Internet.
Here's the quick version:
- AR = Augmented Reality = when you see a real image, you also see digital images
- VR = Virtual Reality = you put on glasses, earphones, etc., to block physical sensations and experience a digital world
The Hd inALO AR app that I introduced in the first lesson of this course is an example of AR.
If you chose this topic, I'd like you to examine the ways that AR and VR coule be used to not only add student interest in a lesson, but actually increase learning. In other words, it's pretty easy to use AR to make students say, "Cooooooool." But does that "Cooooool" actually result in more learning?
Start with the following resources.
- How immersive technologies will shape our future ]
- The Rise of Immerive Reality, AR, and VR
- What I learned from spending a week in virtual reality
- How augmented realithy will change education
- Exploring evolution of augmented and virtual reality education space in 2020 through systematic literature review
- Augmented Reality and Virutal Realitya in Education: A myth, or a reality?
Then, show us a Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series (See the instructions here.) that shows us the most important concepts that we should know, as digital pedogogues.
After your Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series, give us some thought-provoking questions (especially, think of how you could apply this in your cultural context).
Finally, monitor the discussion by replying quickly and challenging us to learn more!