Here is my unit plan that has been designed for 10th graders in Chyngyz Aitmatov high school from the (Pure Mathematics 1 for Cambridge International AS and A level) book.
Great Job Sohaib. I believe the biggest problem you have mentioned in your unit plan is one of the biggest in most of the schools with high income families. We need to continue motivating them that education is better than just have a small plan of working in their own companies.
Well done, Sohaib! Your lesson plan was incredibly useful, and I believe that implementing it will help you and your students succeed. I also agree with you that the issue you raised in your plan—that other students are significantly impacted by the motivation of some students—is a concern. So, one of the wise choices to make is to follow your solution of meeting with their parents.
Sohaib, You did a great job describing your situation and students. Also, I like the way you aligned objectives with activities and rechnical resources.
Given your situation, you might want to consider not using Khan Academy as much. I like Khan Academy a lot! However, I've noticed that some parents don't respect teachers as much if they show too many videos. In this case, you could try the "flipped classroom", where students watch videos and home and then solve problems in class. But this might not work if the students aren't motivated.
I wonder if the students would be more motivated by more immediate rewards. It sounds like they're not motivated by thoughts of academic success, but would gamification help? Would they respond to having a leaderboard or digital badges?
One last thought: When I taught Algebra 2 last year, I liked this OpenStax text. It's interactive, so students can immediately see their scores after answering a question.