One more comment about my comments...

One more comment about my comments...

by Randall Gwin -
Number of replies: 0

 Dear DigPed-ers,

I wanted to clarify one thing about the comments you'll see from me in the forums. 

If this were a face-to-face class, and you gave presentations, we'd have a discussion, and I'd comment on what you did well and on how you could do better. That's basic collaborative learning: You learn in discussions from hearing the praise and suggestions that the teacher gives to others. 

struggleSometimes, though, that can seem more negative when you read it. Also, I know that I turned in most of my work as a student with a vision of the teacher saying, "Oh, this is so wonderful! Please let me keep it forever! You have 175%! A+++++!" :)

Please know that, if you read criticims from me, I'm ...

  1. trying to model how to have a "discussion" in an asynchronous lesson
  2. saying everything in a kind voice. 
  3. overall, happy with your work. If I have serious concerns, I'll send you a private message. The only negative things I say in group discussions are things that I think all of the students might benefit from reading. 

I'm enjoying your presentations so far! Thanks for the hard work!
