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Главная страница курса

  • designing online courses banner
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    • Be familiar with the various types of course elements available in Moodle
    • Add label resource type to your course and link to external websites
    • What do you already know about learning, and how can that apply to the digital world? What do you need to re-learn or re-imagine? 

      hmmmI used to daydream that, when I finished my doctorate, they would take me into a secret back room and show me the cable that plugged my brain into the computer source of all knowledge. 
      Of course, since you don't have your doctorates in educational technology, I can't tell you if that secret room exists. Sorry. You'll just have to study for a few years and find out for yourselves.
      However, I can tell you that research in the last 50 years shows that a lot of the things we believed education are false, and there's a lot more to learn! 

    • Срок выполнения: пятница, 3 февраля 2023, 17:21
    • Types of Activities and Resources

      Moodle has many features for you to give your students content and to interact with them online. Here the ones that might interest you.

      1. Labels: This text that you are reading is in a label. A label is a small section of content inside of the topic.
      2. Page: The student sees a single, scrollable screen that a teacher creates with using an HTML editor
      3. File: A link to a file that student downloads
      4. URL: A direct link to a website outside of Moodle.
      5. Assignments: Enable teachers to grade and give comments on uploaded files and assignments created on and offline
      6. Forum: Allows participants to have asynchronous discussions 
      7. Quiz: Allows the teacher to design and give the students quizzes.
      8. You can read about the rest of the activities and resources on Moodle's doc site.
    • Module Assignments