Section outline

    • Dear Students,

      Please submit the draft of the 3rd chapter.

      Your paper shall contain a Title, a table of content, and the titles of each chapter and each section.

      This draft will be discussed during the following individual meetings.

    • Jan.24 - no class - meet with supervisors and update the paper

      Jan.31 and Feb.7 individual meetings:


      15.35 - Dilya

      16.10 - Samuil


      15.35 - Surah

      16.10 - Helala

      Individual schedule - Nilofar

    • Deadline: February 19, 2024, 23:59

      Please submit final Chapter 3 (if the paper is 3 chapters) or final Chapter 2 (if the paper consists of 2 chapters).

      Your paper shall contain the Title, Table of contents, and the titles of each chapter and each section.

    • Feb.14 - no class - meet with supervisors and update the paper

      Feb.21 and Feb.28 individual meetings:


      15.35 - Dilya

      16.10 - Samuil


      15.35 - Surah

      16.10 - Helala

      Individual schedule - Nilofar

    • dear all,

      we were to meet on March 13. The deadline will be on March 18th, and we will meet on March 20 (I am flexibile on the timing).

    • March.13 - no class - meet with supervisors and update the paper

      March 20 and March 27 individual meetings:

      March 20

      lunch time - Dilya

      (TBD) - Samuil - please email me to agree on the timing

      March 27

      15.35 - Surah

      TBD - Helala

      TBD - Nilofar

    • Assignment 4 (Final paper - Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 & Chapter 3, Introduction, Conclusion and Bibliography)