Section outline

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  • powerpoint banner
    Image source: Google images (various;


    • Upload files to your course
    • Add URLs to PDF versions of PowerPoint files stored in Google Drive.
    • How can you use digital tools to design learning experiences that go beyond your best classroom lessons? As shown by the video below, art is often painfully beautiful.

      designBut, let's be honest. We're more interested in helping people learn than in helping people create beauiful pain, yeah? 

      Module 4 may look confusing at first. There are a lot of videos to watch about art, and ceative space, and creative principles, and things that may not look relevant to your courses. 

      My purpose for those, though, is to expand your imagination to move from simply "lesson planning" to "instructional design for modules and courses."

      The field of instructional design is almost 100 years old. In fact, AECT, the largest international educational technology group in the world, is 100 years old this year! Basically, it looks at questions like, "How can you use all of your available tools (technologies) to make learning as effective as possible for specific students in specific situations." 

      Here's a little introduction video to what I'd like to see from you by the end of this module: 

      Course: Digital Pedagogy, Section: 4. "intelligence having fun" - 12 February 2023 - Watch Video


      Then, for your final project of the course, you'll take the Design Document that you made and turn it into a course module on Google Classroom, Moodle, your webiste, or a similar tool. 

      In this module, you'll ...

      1. create a design document
      2. (Optional) complete a peer review using this rubric. (This rubric is exactly like the one I'll use to evaluate your document.)

    • Срок выполнения: пятница, 17 февраля 2023, 12:07
    • Moodle's Problem

      One of Moodle's problems is that it doesn't have a way to display PowerPoint or Word files. Chrome and modern browsers display PDFs.

      • If you upload a PPT file, the students have to download the file view, and they must have additional software installed.
      • Can the students view either of these files from their mobile devices?

      I strongly advise against uploading PowerPoint and Word files to Moodle because those files are not mobile-friendly and require Microsoft Office. Instead, convert them to PDFs before uploading. A better option is to link to a shared file in cloud storage, such as Google Drive.

    • Uploaded PDF and PPTX Files (Example)
    • Link to Files in Google Drive

      Linking files to Google Drive is more sophisticated but it offers a better user experience. Also, you update the content in the files without having to upload them again to Moodle.

    • Module Assignments