This course is an introduction to the civil society - a growing social phenomenon in the contemporary world. Civil society organizations (CSOs) are key actors in sustainable development. This course is focused on introduction of the concept of civil society and civic space, CSO enabling environment, the importance and impact of the civil society organizations at various levels. Civil society is a vibrant social construct with its own internal and external mechanisms of relations, and structures. They play a multitude of roles including service-delivery, research and policy development. Human rights, sustainability of development, levels of democracy are linked with the level of civil society organizations’ enabling environment. In the course, students will examine role and functions of civil society organizations, elements of the civil society enabling environment; impact of the civil society organizations.
Course Goal is to understand a basic concept of the civil society and activism in the contemporary world
Course objectives:
· Understand the notion of civil society, civic space and activism in the contemporary world
· Understand the rationale behind the need to engage civil society in development processes;
· Identify elements of the civil society enabling environment
· Understand commitments on the CSO enabling environment;
· Identify good practices for a CSO enabling environment;
· Understand impact of CSOs
Outline of the Content of the Course
This course consists of four modules developed around the overall learning objectives.
Each module starts with introducing the topic and is followed by good practice examples;
in-depth readings; and a short research component.
1. Civil society organizations - 4 lessons
2. Civic space and CSO enabling environment 4 lessons
3. CSO development effectiveness – 2 lessons
4. Impact of civil society - 6 lessons
a. CSO in national sustainable development
b. CSO at the international arena