Dear all,
To save you time on the exam, I am sending you the instructions for the exam now (below). If you read these and become familiar with them now, you will have more time to spend on the hypo during the testing period.
All the best,
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You have 90 minutes to complete this exam.
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You must either (i) hand in a physical copy to
the professor or (ii) email an electronic copy to by 6:31
pm, Monday May 8, 2017. For every 5 minutes you go past 6:31, your overall
exam grade will drop by 5%.
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You may either write or type your answers.
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This test is open book – you are allowed to use only hard copy resources that you have in your possession during the
testing period, including notes, handouts, readings, etc.
- · You are not allowed to access the internet or to access any electronic documents during the exam period; attempting to do so will result in you receiving a failing grade.
- · Be sure to cite sources for the claims that you
make!!! This is especially true for any legal statements you make (key sources
may be, for example: the Alma Ata Protocol, the Western Sahara case, etc.)
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Your answer should discuss formal treaty law and the concept of effective control. You should also explain your position regarding resolving cases "ex aequo et bono" (i.e. based on what is "right and good") - if you choose to resolve the hypo on this basis, why? If you choose not to resolve the case on this basis, why not? [Hint: this is where you can describe your personal view of international border-dispute law and concepts such as uti possidetus juris].