A slow but effective Video about Social Presence

A slow but effective Video about Social Presence

от Harira Amani -
Количество ответов: 2

Learning is simply a social process, is the sentence she claims in the video. 

A nice video to watch and get more about social presence.


всего слов - 26

В ответ на Harira Amani

Re: A slow but effective Video about Social Presence

от Elizabeth Alibaeva -
I agree the pacing of the speech in the video is slow. It's a good one to increase the playback speed to 1.25 or 1.5 (which I didn't do, but may help others).

Harira, thanks for posting this resource. What did you like most about this video? What did you find to be most helpful? Aside from the cooking metaphor, that is.

Also, just checking if you and Fahim will post discussion questions as well as your written response and extra video source.

всего слов - 83

В ответ на Elizabeth Alibaeva

Re: A slow but effective Video about Social Presence

от Harira Amani -
Thank you very much, dear professor; what I am very focused on in my off-line classes is how students should master the topic, not just as a simple matter of remembering a topic but as a lifelong process. I remember learning to draw in school, where teachers taught us for about six years, but I can't even draw a circle right now. It means that the process did not involve lifelong learning. So I wanted to share this video because, even if we are teaching online, we should teach them in such a way that they can go to great depths of knowledge and remember them for a long time.

всего слов - 110