2/3 Inclusion and Diversity in ODL Cultural Contexts

2/3 Inclusion and Diversity in ODL Cultural Contexts

by Randall Gwin -
Number of replies: 0
In the 2010s, we heard a lot about how Web 2.0 access through mobile phones would make it so that everyone had equal access to education! The world would finally have a chance at equality.

amazedBut we heard the same things about notebook computers in the 2000s. And we heard it about Internet access in the 1990s. And we heard it about personal computers in thae 1980s. And we heard it about VCRs in the 1970s. And we heard it about cameras and personal radios in thae 1960s. And we heard it about televisions in the 1950s. And we heard it about film strips and slides in the 1940s. And .... And, long ago, our ancestors probably heard that the invention of paper meant that everyone would have equal access to education. 


Lesson One.
No technology is a panacea. 

Lesson Two: 
Some technologies can help a lot with some problems. 

If you chose this topic, I'd like you to examine the ways that ODL could be used to increase inclusion and diversity in educational situations. ODL can't solve it all, but how could it be used to let minority groups, or people with disabilities, or people who live far from educational settings have access to high-quality education? 

Start with the following resources. 
  • Why we need Universal Design 
  • Consider the following images. Which one shows the best scenario for inclusion and diversity? Which shows justice? How could well-designed digital courses help us obtain the best image? 

Then, show us a Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series (See the instructions here.) that shows us the most important concepts that we should know if we want to increase inclusion and diversity as digital pedagogues. 

After your Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series, give us some thought-provoking questions (especially, think of how you could apply this in your cultural context). 

Finally, monitor the discussion by replying quickly and challenging us to learn more!