2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Randall Gwin -
Количество ответов: 13

Honestly, when I first heard my colleagues talking about AR and VR in 2017, I had to search for the phrases on the Internet. 

Here's the quick version:

  • AR = Augmented Reality = when you see a real image, you also see digital images
  • VR = Virtual Reality = you put on glasses, earphones, etc., to block physical sensations and experience a digital world

The Hd inALO AR app that I introduced in the first lesson of this course is an example of AR.

If  you chose this topic, I'd like you to examine the ways that AR and VR coule be used to not only add student interest in a lesson, but actually increase learning. In other words, it's pretty easy to use AR to make students say, "Cooooooool." But does that "Cooooool" actually result in more learning?

Start with the following resources. 

Then, show us a Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series (See the instructions here.) that shows us the most important concepts that we should know, as digital pedogogues. 

After your Pecha-Kucha or TikTok series, give us some thought-provoking questions (especially, think of how you could apply this in your cultural context). 

Finally, monitor the discussion by replying quickly and challenging us to learn more! 

В ответ на Randall Gwin

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Fahim Faqdani -
What do you think, which of the AR and VR apps can help you deliver your lesson better according to your subject and how does it work?
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Пользователь удален -
Fakhrullah: I think both are amazing to use in teaching. I really liked the AR seem accessible with the tools we have access to i.e., phone and other online tools while VR seems to be expensive and not easily accessible to us.
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Sohaib Rahiq -
Dear Fahim,
I really appreciate your wonderful work. I personally didn't use any of these in math classes. I know that we can use VR in math classes aligned with GeoGebra. It's really fun as I have watched youtube videos. the way it indicates the 3D shapes and visualizes equations makes lessons much more fun for pupils than a routine lessons. In the school I am currently working, I saw that the biology teacher is using it in his classroom and I encountered how students are engaged and following and participating in the lesson.
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Randall Gwin -
Great presentation! My only note on the presentation is to remember that it's difficult to read long texts and listen at the same time. Captioning for videos works because you only see a few words at a time, but if viewers see a lot of text, they need to choose between reading and listening. So, next time, instead f a slide like this: 
...consider a slide that only has the words: 
  • Virtual Reality = 
  • engaging
  • interactive
  • immersive
  • growing popularity

As for your questions, hmm. I find AR and VR extremely interesting, but I'm not sure how much value they would add to my courses in comparison to the time it takes to learn how to use them. For instance, I love the idea of integrating my video explanations with a textbook, but that would probably thinkingtake 500 hours. Would it really result in more learning? I don't know yet. 

I know the potential is wonderful for topics like chemistry and biology and physics -- but I want someone else to develop it first. 

В ответ на Randall Gwin

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Fahim Faqdani -
Think of a VR app that you will going to make to help you in your lessons of your particular subject. What kind of app would it be? What characteristics would it have? Which topics can best be learned be this app?
Explain your VR app to us!
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Fahim Faqdani -
I would make an app related to geometry. We all know that geometry is a subject which is working with both 2D and 3D shapes and it is really hard to work with 3D shapes just on the paper which is 2D.
My app would have the ability to show all sides of a shape and also would have the ability to show all the space geometry in 3D. I would like to have an app that beside showing the 3D shapes, also can calculate some measurements related to these 3D shapes.
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Пользователь удален -
VR creates a new world where everything is completely virtual and the only way to communicate with this world is to use digital equipment such as VR glasses or virtual reality or touch gloves. Virtual reality is increasingly opening its place as an educational tool. And I think for a physics teacher that will be a great help to use for better cognition, teaching of physical facts and specially galaxies issues and etc.
В ответ на Пользователь удален

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Пользователь удален -
You know the point is that these are just amazing. I wish we could access them all sooner. But it doesn't mean we should not learn about them and learn about their pros and cons. Fahim, can you give some other examples i.e., disadvantages of these technologies?
В ответ на Пользователь удален

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Fahim Faqdani -
Thanks Fakhrullah for your reply. As I mentioned in my presentation as well, one of the most huge problems AR/VR technology has especially for poor countries like Afghanistan is the price of the AR/VR headsets. It is very hard for Afghan people and schools to start the use of these technologies in schools. One of other problems about AR/VR is their software which is heavy and also needs to be customized well
В ответ на Fahim Faqdani

Re: 2/3 Alternative and Virtual Reality (AR and VR) in ODL

от Пользователь удален -
You know, VR seems quite amazing for me. When this becomes more accessible and more developed, it will really change the whole notion of education and learning. As teachers and students, we have to learn about these and learn the skills to use them even if they are not readily available to us in Afghanistan.