Completion requirements
Opened: Tuesday, 8 February 2022, 12:00 AM
Due: Monday, 14 February 2022, 12:00 AM
In this exercise, we are going to work with gpa2 data set, which contains data on college gpa, SAT scores, gender, race, and other variables for 4,137 students.
Please, complete the following tasks, and submit both do-file and log-file for the entire session. Your log-file should be readable in Notepad.
- Copy/import the gpa2 data from Excel to Stata. The description of each variable is provided in an additional assignment1_var_description.txt file.
- See the number of observations and variables, format and label of variables.
- Identify gpa range (min, max, mean)
- Can you tabulate the gender and summarize the average college gpa for each gender category?
- How normal is the distribution of college gpa?
- Explore the missing values in dataset. Are there any variables with missing values, do they seem random?
- Summarize the college gpa for students with SAT scores less than 1030 and greater than or equal to 1030. Summarize the college gpa for students who are male and have household size equal to 3.
- Create a two-way table, which gives mean college gpa for male and female students separately, by their athletic status.
- 8 February 2022, 2:52 PM
- 8 February 2022, 2:52 PM