Тема Название Описание
Файл Key Reading: One discipline, Four Ways
Файл Syllabus
Папка Victorian Armchair Anthropology
To read:

  •  Lewis Morgan: 1 chapter: Ethnical Periods
  • James Frazer: V - The Magical Control of the Weather

2 Week: 8-12 October Файл Emile Durkheim, The Division of Labor (pp.39-49)
Файл Emile Durkheim, Rules of Sociological Method (pp.50-59)
Файл Emile Durkheim, Suicide
Файл Emile Durkheim, Social fact
3 Week: 15-19 October Файл The German Ideology, Part I. (up to "The Real Basis of Ideology", (pp. 24-43)
Файл Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, The Communist Manifesto(pp.14-34)
Файл Selections from Capital, Volume 1( chapter 4,part 2)

  • 1.1. "The two factors of the commodity"
  • 1.2. "The dual character of labor embodied in commodities" 
  • 1.4. "The fetishism of the commodity and its secret" 
  • 2. "The process of exchange" 
  • 4. "The general formula for capital"
  • 26. "The secret of primitive accumulation"

4 Week: 22-26 October Файл Weber, Max. "The fundamental concepts of sociology, " from The Theory of Social and Economic Organization, 88-115 pp.
Файл Ritzer, Macdonalization of the World.
5 Week: 29 October-2 November Файл "The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism." Excerpts on rationalization. pp. 3-51
Файл Methods of Ethnology by Franz Boas
Файл Kroeber Alfred, What anthropology is about?
Файл Mead Margaret, Coming of age in Samoa
Файл Culture and Personality, Ruth Benedict's Psychological Types
6 Week: 12-16 November Файл Malinowski Bronislaw, The subject, method and scope of this inquiry (Argonauts of the Western Pacific), The essentials of Kula
Файл Radcliffe Brown, The Mother's Brother in South Africa
Файл Radcliffe Brown, Social Structure
7 Week: 19-23 November Файл Ferdinand de Saussure
Файл Levi-Strauss, Claude. The Elementary Structures of Kinship (V THE PRINCIPLE OF RECIPROCITY )
8 Week: 26-30 November Файл Ortner, Sherry, "Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixties."
Файл Levi-strauss Structural Study of Myth
9 Week: 3-7 December Файл Discipline and Punish, excerpts. "Two Lectures" "Truth and Power"
Файл Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality. some parts of reading of Volume 1.
Файл Durkheim and Mauss, Primitive Classification
Файл Douglas, Mary. Purity and Danger
10 Week: 10-14 December Файл Bourdieu, Pierre. "The social space and the genesis of groups" "Time Perspectives of the Kabyle" An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, some parts of reading
Файл Pierre Bourdieu. 1977. “Structures, Habitus, Power.” In Outline of a Theory of Practice
11 Week: 17-21 December Файл Clifford, James and George Marcus. Writing Culture
Файл Marcus, George and Michael Fischer. Anthropology as Cultural Critique, excerpts.
Файл Rosaldo. "Subjectivity in Social Analysis"
Папка Soviet Anthropology